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Writer's pictureBlackstone Rivers Ranch


Updated: Feb 13, 2020

If you are like pretty much every other bride in Colorado and, well, everywhere in the world, you want your wedding to be fantastic. And you want YOURSELF to be, feel, and look fantastic.

Of course, there are a lot of things you can do to make sure you feel excellent in your own skin as you walk down the aisle – but are you aware of the most common bridal beauty disasters, and most importantly, how to handle them?

We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.

· A few weeks before your wedding, stop trying any kind of new product on your face (and this includes attending a new facial treatment as well). While one product may have been miraculous for your BFF, it may not be as great for you. Since you most likely don’t want to wake up with redness on your face, it’s really important to avoid any new product altogether – and yes, this includes the soap you use as well.

· One week before your wedding, stop making drastic changes, as well as overly-exfoliating your skin. The first is related to the fact that things might go terribly wrong (so that pretty pastel haircolor you want may just turn into a nasty shade), while the second one is related to the fact that exfoliating skin too much can make it dehydrated, and therefore, it can make it difficult to apply makeup properly.

· On your wedding day, avoid wearing SPF cream. Yes, protecting your skin from UV lights is crucial. However, it may sometimes look odd, especially in pictures – so our advice would be to skip this on the morning of your wedding. As long as you don’t spend too much time in direct sunlight, you should be fine. If, however, you really need to wear sunscreen, be sure to test it out (both “live” and on camera).

· Don’t pluck your eyebrows on the Big Day. It may make sense to do so because you want them to look flawless, but there’s a pretty big chance that you’ll get redness – so do this about 3 days before the actual wedding date.

Still looking for a fabulous wedding venue in Colorado? Contact Blackstone Rivers Ranch and come see our superb riverfront mountain wedding venue! Come see this and we guarantee you will LOVE it from every point of view!


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